One-on-One Neurodivergence Coaching with Dr. Jess

Photo of neurodivergence coach Dr. Jess sitting on a couch and smiling

Dr. Jess’ individualized, focused support can take you from stuck and struggling to:

  • knowing that there is nothing wrong with you!

  • being you in every situation — with confidence and without apology.

  • knowing how to get what you want without pretending to be someone else.

Is coaching right for you?

If you’re an adult with diagnosed or suspected Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, or other neurocognitive differences, one-on-one neurodivergence coaching with Dr. Jess can help you reach your goals and create a better life for yourself.

Coaching may be especially helpful if you…

  • have goals for your life that you haven’t been able to reach or have no idea how to reach.

  • are doing everything “right,” but still feel unfulfilled or dissatisfied.

  • do well (or even overachieve) but feel like it’s just a matter of time before your success falls apart or people realize you’re a “fraud” or “imposter.”

  • have been in therapy &/or taken medication to improve your mood but feel like nothing has really helped.

  • feel torn between what you want and what other people want for or from you.

  • feel like you have to make yourself small, silence yourself, or “fake it” for other people to accept or tolerate you.

  • struggle to make or keep relationships.

  • have problems because you are a perfectionist, procrastinate, or have to do things a certain way. 

  • don’t understand why you can’t manage things that seem easy for others.

  • wish you could “just be normal.”

  • feel like there’s something “wrong” with you. 

What can coaching do for you?

With reliable, individualized attention, doctoral-level expertise, years of professional and personal experience, and information based on up-to-date psychological research, one-on-one coaching with Dr. Jess will guide and empower you to…

  • stop suffering through self-criticism and feeling like an imposter or failure.

  • be done with beliefs that you need to change or fix yourself.

  • decrease anxiousness and depressive symptoms that arise from feeling different from others.

  • know who you are and why you operate the way you do.

  • define or refine your goals - in any area.

  • master skills that make the situations you face in your real life easier to manage.

  • make real progress toward your goals and know what to do to keep moving.

  • identify and choose situations and relationships for yourself that compliment who you are.

  • choose which parts of yourself you bring to situations based on your own objectives, never shame!

  • know you are not alone.

Photo of neurodivergence coach Dr. Jess sitting on a chair and  smiling

A Dr. Jess Coaching Package Includes:

  • Twelve (12) weeks of individualized coaching comprised of:

    • One (1) initial 90-minute session focused on clarifying your goals for your work with Dr. Jess

    • Eleven (11) weekly, 60-minute sessions 

  • Dr. Jess’ personalized, written recommendations for your continued progress on your own.

Your investment: $5,000

for 12 weeks of individualized, expert neurodivergence coaching that gets you on the path to loving the life you live and achieving your authentic goals

Ready to go?

to request a free, no-obligation, 20-minute consultation during which you and Dr. Jess can get to know each other and decide if coaching is right for you!